
Bus Routes/Bus Safety Information/Courtesy Seating

BUS ROUTES 2024-2025

This year, all students at Admiral’s Academy will have the ability to avail of a bus seat. Your child’s busing information can be found on the BusPlanner Parent Portal.  Bus Planner login information was shared with our students in June. For our Kindergarten students, this information will be shared on the first day of school.  

Your child’s bus number will be the final digit in the route number indicated. For example, route 17-134-7 is identified at the school level as Bus #7.

Please note that our kindergarten students may begin riding the bus on Monday, September 9th, 2024. 

If you are not planning to avail of  your child’s bus seats this year, we encourage you to email valerieryan@nlschools.ca to indicate your willingness to give up your seat(s). This can open up seats for students who don’t currently qualify for busing. Please rest assured that no families will be required to give up seats. This is simply a note for consideration for those in a position to do so. 


Resources on Student Transportation Safety have been developed by the District. They are available online and will be viewed and discussed in the classroom, early in the school year, as well as communicated to parents.

Please review each of the following with your child (click on each to view):

Early in the year we will conduct an evacuation drill to ensure students are familiar with procedures.

Courtesy Seating

If you wish to avail of a bus stop that is different from your assigned stop, you will need to apply for a courtesy seat.  Any parent/guardian seeking a courtesy seat is required to submit a Courtesy Seat Request form by Friday, September 13th. You will be notified by Friday, October 4th  if we are able to accommodate your request.  Please send along completed applications to Ms. Ryan at valerieryan@nlschools.ca